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Showing posts from September, 2013

MDN Doc Sprint and Firefox OS phone demo

When the India trip was being planned, it was Vineel's idea to have an event in Pune as well. This offer could never have been rejected. As the plans started taking shape, 24th of September was the date chosen for a MDN documentation sprint event in Pune. After Bangalore, I met Ali again on the 23rd, in Pune. Whenever it comes to taking an international guest out for food, we need to do some extra thinking on the food place options. Well, when I took my guest out, I thought I would need to make sure about the spice level in my ordered food. I did need to. But, instead of having to request the chef to decrease the spice level, I had to request him to make the food even spicier. Well, when I am the event organizer, being on time is the first requirement! With all my efforts, I did manage to get the event started by 10.30am (though delayed by half an hour, keeping the past event records in mind, I wasn't much disappointed). I began the event with a brief introduction to Mozilla...

Maker Party@SIMCA

Webmaking is fun but teaching others to make the web is even more fun. This is the exact reason why I couldn't deny the invitation to be a presenter at Maker party which was held at SIMCA on the 21st of September 2013, officially the fourth Maker Party of the season in Pune. I wasn't sure if I could be a good facilitator at this event as I was down with fever and had a real bad throat infection just a night before the event. Somehow I did manage to bring my voice out while standing on the stage and to my surprise, my speech was so clear, no one got any hint of my ill health. I began the session introducing the crowd to the idea of Open Source, Mozilla as an organization, ways of getting involved with Mozilla and the different Mozilla products. The tough job was taking the crowd through localization project as being one of the best ways to start contribution. It was not that I was not aware of the topic. Localization had been my first project under Mozilla as well. But the s...

Evangelism Reps Training in Bangalore

I had just returned from Bangalore and the Banglore fever was yet not completely out of my head when one morning I got a call from Galaxy asking me about my travel preferences to Bangalore. I was kind of confused till Galaxy went ahead to explain me about the Reps Evangelism training which was scheduled on the 17th and 18th of September in RedHat,Bangalore. Yipeeee!!! RedHat office was sufficient a reason for me to start packing my bags again :P As usual, it was the last flight that I took to Bangalore and reached my hotel at around 2am on 17th night (or some people might like to call it morning). On 17th, we reached RedHat office by 10.30am. It was a campus worth working in! The office was on the 11th floor and the view from the cafeteria of the office was simply breadth taking. Our session for the day began with  Chris Heilmann's smiling face and warm welcome note. Along with Chris, Robert Nyam and Ali Spivak's presence in the room did fill the room up with life. Learn...

Maker Party Bangalore - Hive Pop-up 2013

When I reached Bangalore, it was 12.30am. When I had boarded the flight, it was 5th of September, but by the time I had landed, it was 6th already. Whenever it comes to some Mozilla event, I don't know from where, some unknown energy seems to hit us all. At this late hour of night, no one seemed to be tired. By the time I did reach my room, it was 2.30am. Our morning started at 6am. We were at the venue by 8.30am. It was at Jaaga (our hangout destination for the next two days) that I met Michelle for the first time. A lady whose enthusiasm, energy and smile seemed to be spreading like a viral among all the Mozillians present for the 'Train the trainer session' of 6th. We began the day with a small ice-breaking session where each Mozillian introduced himself (or herself) and wrote a small note about what he (or she) expected to take back after these two days event. Well, when it comes to writing, I somehow get a bit too much charged up which ended up making my note the len...

RMySQL troubleshooting in Ubuntu

RMySQL package installation is no longer as easy as it used to be with the previous versions. The simple install.packages("RMySQL") no longer works like a magic!  If you try this command on your latest R version, you are likely to get the following errors: Configuration error: "could not find the MySQL installation include and/or library directories. Manually specify the location of the MySQL libraries and the header files and re-run R CMD INSTALL." I have found the solution to this problem. You can also try this and see if your problem is being solved. Some simple steps are: Get mysql-connector-c-6.0.2-linux-glibc2.3-x86-64bit from this link here Un-tar the contents in your downloaded folder. There you will get two folders- 'library' and 'include'.   on your /usr/local/include folder you will need to copy the contents of the 'library' and 'include' folder (copy the contents in the 'include' and 'library...

MakerParty ,SKNCOE

The first time we were having lunch together, Aman had enquired, out of shear curiosity, if it was possible to have a Mozilla event in his college? The next time we had lunch together, it was in his college...during the lunch break of the first Mozilla event at SMT.KASHIBAI NAVALE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (SKNCOE), Pune. Thats how events are planned, through chats and whatApp messages. On the last day of the month of August, the Pune Mozillians had gathered at SKNCOE's IT department to address the third year students, introducing them to Open Source, to Mozilla and finally to Webmaker. These days, whenever I go down to different colleges as a speaker, I kind of get surprised (rather should say SHOCKED) by the amount of hospitality I receive from the organizers. The event began with Aman's (the event coordinator from SKNCOE) opening speech and felicitation of the Mozillians. Well, the red roses did immediately light up my day ;) The morning session mainly ...